Plot Naruto Shippuden 006: Mission Cleared / Norumakuriā" (ノルマクリアー)
Deidara, determined to defeat Gaara and capture him, unleashes his C3 clay bomb on the village, causing a massive explosion. But Gaara is able to deflect the explosion in time by using his sand to create an enormous shield over the village.However, this leaves him open to a sudden surprise attack from Deidara, and he inadvertently uses sand that had been seeded with Deidara's clay, to defend himself. Deidara then detonates the clay-infested sand, knocking Gaara unconscious. Deidara then captures the falling Gaara and prepares to take him away.
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IDWS: 175.63 MB (avi) | 50.03 MB (ID)
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